Services: Visual Processing
Uncover the root cause
There can be many pieces to a puzzle. In helping children and adults achieve their full potential, we examine potential limiting factors. If the brain has difficulty processing light, it can cause focus issues, learning difficulties, low motivation, discipline problems, poor self-esteem, headaches and many other symptoms. The child or adult might have perfect vision, but their brains cannot process the information gathered from the eyes. This may be a result of Irlen Syndrome, a perceptual processing disorder that goes undetected when focused only on symptoms.
Living with Irlen Syndrome
For children and adults with Irlen Syndrome, words on the page may be distorted. They can appear to be moving, blurry and unevenly spaced. The white background of the page can wash out the words. Undiagnosed individuals constantly cope with visual strain and revert back to brain stem function. This “survival mode” limits access to higher cortical centers of the brain. In some cases, this may lead to misdiagnoses and unnecessary medication. Irlen Syndrome may be a contributing factor in:
- Dyslexia
- Autism
- Concussion syndrome
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- General learning disabilities
- Focus and behavior issues

A simple solution
Individuals with Irlen Syndrome cannot process full spectral light correctly. It is not an optical problem or acuity issue, rather a visual processing problem. There’s a defect that causes a timing error on one of the visual pathways carrying information from the eye to the brain. Defective pathways can function normally by selectively filtering out offending wavelengths of light when using colored Irlen® Filters. Each individual is evaluated for colored overlays and/or fitted with precision tinted glasses or contact lenses that allow the brain to process visual information without distortions. It helps with learning and controlling behavior, which can dramatically impact the quality of life for a child or adult.
We can help
At Thrive, we are certified to screen for Irlen Syndrome. This test determines if an individual will benefit from using Irlen Spectral overlays or lenses. Like nutrition, if unaddressed, Irlen Syndrome limits the progress we can achieve using other therapies. Screening for Irlen is another invaluable tool we use in helping patients. It provides an important piece of the puzzle.
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